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Dianna Anderson is a 25 year old writing currently living in Sioux Falls, SD. She has a Master of the Arts in English from Baylor University and a Bachelor of the Arts in theology and philosophy from the University of Sioux Falls. Her MA thesis was done on the very nerdy but very fun topic of Harry Potter (and if you ever want to engage her on a debate as to whether or not it's "real literature," email her. She'll win.)

She grew up in Sioux Falls and is the daughter of two wonderful parents and the sister to two older brothers. Her oldest brother, MJ, has Down Syndrome, but lives on his own in Sioux Falls and works at a local hotel. Her other brother, Marc, is married to a wonderful lady named Carrie and is the father of the world's cutest baby (seriously, no baby can match this little girl). Marc works as a pastor of a large church in the small town of Huron, South Dakota.

Being from the Midwest, she has all the trappings. She says it "behg" and "flehg" and leaves her car unlocked at the gas station because she trusts people too much sometimes. She is well aware that South Dakota is possibly this most Republican state in the Union, but has no probably identifying as a flaming liberal. She's okay with you if you're conservative, though - just be prepared to defend yourself.

She is also a huge nerd. Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Narnia (along with almost anything CS Lewis), Torchwood, Sherlock - if it's on BBC America, chances are I'm watching. Except for The Tudors. That show is just stupid - Henry the Eighth was a very large man and not at all sexy. He likely had syphilis. That ain't pretty.


In addition to writing this blog, Dianna also writes about women's issues for Relevant Magazine and does guest posts around the interwebs. If you'd like to enlist her help in writing/editing/tutoring, feel free to contact her!